Titas You Meet During the Holiday Season and How to Deal with Them

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1. The "When Are You Getting Married?" Tita

This tita has a one-track mind, and it's locked onto your love life. Whether you're single, in a relationship, or just living your best life, she's got one burning question: "Kailan ka mag-aasawa?" (When are you getting married?).

How to Deal: Flash a smile and say, "Tita, I’m still waiting for the perfect lechon!" Keep it light, and if all else fails, ask about her favorite teleserye to redirect the conversation

2. The "Foodie" Tita

She’s the master of the kitchen, and she knows it. She’ll either brag about her famous recipe or critique the food at the party (usually both).

How to Deal: Compliment her cooking skills before she even gets a chance to talk. Say something like, "Tita, I’ve been dreaming about your leche flan all year!" Then, sneak away to get seconds—before she starts explaining how the food could be better.

3. The "Facebook Detective" Tita

This tita knows everything about your life because she’s seen all your posts on Facebook—yes, even that one from 2012.

How to Deal: Be prepared for her to bring up old posts or photos. Just laugh it off and say, "Grabe, Tita, you’re like my personal historian!" If things get too embarrassing, ask about her favorite Facebook group to change the subject.

4. The "Gossip Queen" Tita

She’s got the latest chismis (gossip) and isn’t afraid to share it. Whether it’s about your neighbor’s new car or a distant relative’s love life, she’s got the scoop.

How to Deal: Nod and act intrigued. Throw in an occasional "Talaga, Tita?!" (Really, Tita?!) to keep her going. Then, skillfully excuse yourself by saying you need to help in the kitchen or check on the kids.

5. The "Health Guru" Tita

This tita is all about wellness and will give unsolicited advice on how to stay healthy. She’ll eye your plate suspiciously if you reach for the lechon and might even offer you some herbal tea she brought herself.

How to Deal: Thank her for her concern and promise to try her green juice recipe after the holidays. But for now, say, "Tita, holiday calories don’t count!" and enjoy that second slice of cake.

Remember, titas are an essential part of the holiday fun, and with this guide, you’ll be ready to enjoy every moment—awkward questions and all!