Fuel prices to go up this week

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A motorist gasses up in a pump station in Metro Manila. (NewsWatch Plus/File)

Metro Manila, Philippines - After a week of price cuts, motorists will pay more for fuel this week, industry players announced on Monday, Feb. 17.

In separate advisories, Caltex, Cleanfuel, and Seaoil said they will raise gasoline and diesel prices by P0.80 per liter on Tuesday.

Caltex and Seaoil said kerosene prices will have a slight P0.10 increase.

The Department of Energy previously said the possible price adjustment this week can be attributed to rising tensions in the Middle East and sanctions of the United States on Iran and Russia.

Once oil companies raise prices, gasoline would have a total not increase of P4.05 per liter, diesel at P4.35 per liter, and kerosene at P2.70 per liter.