10,490 aspiring lawyers complete 3-day Bar Exams

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Metro Manila, Philippines – A total of 10,490 aspiring lawyers completed the three-day Bar Examinations that ended on Sunday, Sept. 15.

The first two days of the examinations were Sept. 8 and 11. Thirteen local testing centers across the country catered to the law students.


Associate Justice Mario Lopez, 2024 Bar Examinations chairperson, initially said there were 10,483 examinees. After finalizing the attendance data for the morning session, the number of testers rose to 10,504. But two withdrew in the afternoon.

On the second exam day, the attendance was 10,493.

Lopez pointed out that they accommodated a wide range of testers, including those with special needs, senior citizens, and one who underwent a caesarean operation two days before the final Bar day.

“The Bar Exams are not just a test of legal knowledge, but also of courage and the will to succeed. We are deeply proud of every examinee who has overcome personal challenges to be here today, showing that anything is possible when you remain steadfast in your pursuit of a dream,” said Lopez.

The chairperson noted that this year’s questions were “carefully crafted to measure both depth and understanding.”

Lopez turned over the responsibility of administering the Bar Exams to Associate Justice Amy Lazaro-Javier, who will chair next year’s tests.

NewsWatch Plus correspondent Daniza Fernandez contributed to this report.