Marcos admin’s net satisfaction rating up in Q2 - survey

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Metro Manila, Philippines – More Filipinos were satisfied with the performance of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s administration in the second quarter of 2024, a survey by the Social Weather Stations (SWS) showed.

The research institute said the government’s net satisfaction rating rose to +40 - eleven points higher than +29 in March. The latest score is classified as “good” by the SWS.

Of the adult Filipinos surveyed, 62% were satisfied, 15% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, while 22% expressed dissatisfaction with the Marcos government’s performance on several issues.

The administration’s satisfaction rating was highest in Metro Manila with +52, and was lowest in Mindanao with +25.

“The 11-point rise in the national administration’s general net satisfaction rating from March 2024 to June 2024 was due to increases in all areas,” SWS said.

SWS net satisfaction ratings are as follows:

+70 and above: Excellent

+50 to +69: Very good

+30 to +49: Good

+10 to +29: Moderate

+9 to -9: Neutral

-10 to -29: Poor

-30 to -49: Bad

-50 to -69: Very bad

-70 and below: Execrable

The administration attained “very good” ratings on three subjects:

+ Helping disaster victims (+64)

+ Improving quality of children’s education (+62)

+ Helping the poor (+51)

SWS said the government also achieved “good” scores on five categories, including job generation and development of science and technology.

In terms of defending the country’s sovereignty in the West Philippine Sea, the administration received a moderate rating of +22.

Meanwhile, the survey showed that Filipinos were dissatisfied with the government’s performance in ending graft and corruption, as well as fighting inflation. Both categories recorded poor scores with -10 and -16 respectively.

The survey was conducted from June 23 to July 1 through face-to-to face interviews with 1,500 adults.