PH allies condemn China’s aggressive actions in Escoda Shoal

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New Delhi, India — Philippine allies and partners have expressed concern over the Chinese Coast Guard actions against two Philippine Coast Guard vessels in Escoda Shoal in the West Philippine Sea on Monday, Aug. 19.

US Ambassador MaryKay Carlson said in a statement that China’s aggressive behavior endangered the lives of Filipino coast guard personnel.

“The United States stands with the Philippines in condemning the China Coast Guard's dangerous maneuvers near Sabina Shoal that endangered lives and caused damage to two Philippine Coast Guard vessels. We are committed to supporting the rights of our friends, partners and allies under international law,” said Carlson in a post on X (formerly Twitter).

Japanese Ambassador Endo Kazuya said any harassment and actions that escalate tensions in the South China Sea are not “tolerated.”

“Seriously concerned over the recent aggressive conduct causing damage to vessels. Any harassment & actions which increase tensions or disturb navigational rights are not tolerated. Japan stands with the Philippines by upholding rules-based order and peaceful settlement of disputes based on int’l law,” the Japanese ambassador said.

The French government called on both parties to adhere to the rule of law and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

“We oppose any threat or use of force contrary to international law and recall the importance of resolving disputes through dialogue,” said French Ambassador Marie Fontanel.

The United Kingdom also joined nations in expressing concern on the recent incident in the West Philippine Sea.

“The United Kingdom is very concerned about reports of dangerous actions today by Chinese vessels against Coast Guard ships near Sabina Shoal. The UK calls again for respect of international law, including UNCLOS, and adherence to the 2016 Arbitral Award which is legally binding on the parties,” said UK Ambassador Laure Beaufils.

Germany and Canada called on all parties to avoid escalatory actions and adhere to international law. 

China accuses PH of disregarding warning

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has accused the Philippines of “deliberately ignoring” their warnings in Escoda Shoal.

“The responsibility of causing the collision fully lies with the Philippines. China Coast Guard took necessary measures in accordance with domestic and international law. Its maneuvers at the scene were professional, restrained and appropriate,” Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning said.

China said it will be willing to handle maritime disputes through dialogue and consultations.

“We hope the Philippines will honor its commitment, earnestly observe the understandings and arrangement reached with China, refrain from taking actions that may complicate the situation, and work with China to get the situation at sea under control,” Mao added.

The government has yet to comment if there will be another diplomatic protest following the incident in Escoda Shoal.