House renews IBC-13’s franchise for 25 years

Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, January 31) — Government-owned Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation (IBC-13) is on track to continue its operations until 2050, after the House of Representatives approved its franchise renewal bid Monday.

With 272 affirmative votes, the House passed on third and final reading House Bill 6505 granting a fresh franchise to IBC-13. The franchise will be effective for 25 years unless sooner revoked. However, it shall be deemed revoked if IBC-13 fails to operate continuously for two years.

The network’s current franchise under Republic Act 8954 will expire in September 2025. IBC-13 has five provincial TV stations, with four relay stations, and 11 provincial radio stations.

Under the bill, IBC-13 is mandated to provide, free of charge, adequate public service time to enable the government to reach the pertinent population to relay announcements on important public issues, or warnings concerning public emergencies and calamities.

The time allotted by the station to public service announcements shall be equivalent to a maximum aggregate of 10% of paid commercials or advertisements.

In accordance with RA No. 8370, otherwise known as the Children’s Television Act of 1997, IBC-13 “shall allot a minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the daily total air time of each broadcasting network or station to child-friendly shows within its regular programming.”